Here are a few ways to stream Netflix on Discord:

  • Use Discord’s built-in Go Live streaming. Open Netflix in your browser, then in Discord go to the bottom left voice channel menu and select “Go Live”. You can stream your entire screen, or select just the Netflix window to share.
  • Use a third-party streaming app like Streamlabs OBS. Add your Netflix window as a “Game Capture” source in Streamlabs, then stream to Discord using a custom streaming server.
  • Install the Discord Netflix Party bot. Add the bot to your server and use commands like! Start to begin streaming Netflix in a voice channel. Everyone who joins can watch synchronously.
  • Use a screen-sharing tool like Screenleap to display your Netflix window, then screen shares the Screenleap tab in your Discord voice channel.
  • Cast Netflix from your phone or tablet to your computer using the Discord mobile app screen share. Then screen share your computer in the voice channel.

Bear in mind that sharing Netflix this way violates their Terms of Service and may result in your account being banned if detected. Use at your own discretion. I’d recommend the built-in Go Live as the safest option. Let me know if you need any other streaming tips!

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